-- import "go.lukeharris.dev/linkedList"
func Push(head **Node, data interface{})
Creates new head node with value for a given linked list
type Node struct {Data interface{}Next *Node}
Represents node of a linked list
func New(arr []interface{}) *Node
Returns head of linked list containing values of a given array
func (head *Node) GetTail() *Node
Returns tail node of linked list or returns nil if it is cyclical
func (head *Node) Insert(data interface{})
Creates a new node after a given node
func (head *Node) IsCyclical() bool
Returns true if list is cyclical
func (head *Node) String() string
Formats the linked list as a string
Simple linked list without any cycles
(1) -> (2) -> (3)
Circular linked list where the tail precedes the head
(1) -> (2) -> (3) -> HEAD
Circular linked list where the tail precedes the nth element after the head
(1) -> (2) -> (3) -> HEAD~n